Current Flow
Usage: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International
Label: Syrup Netlabel
Catalog#: syr016
Format: WAV + FLAC + 320~kbps/mp3
Download: https://syruphu.bandcamp.com/album/current-flow
Country: HUN
Released: 22. 05. 2024.
Style: Electronic - Ambient
All tracks created by Matyas Lendvai, Gabor Csirmaz
Mastered by István Tanka
5.00 AM
Current Flow

Sebaj Fóbiás:
Majd érkezem
Usage: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International
Artist URL: https://fobie.bandcamp.com
Label: Syrup Netlabel
Catalog#: syr015
Format: WAV + FLAC + 320~kbps/mp3
Download: https://syruphu.bandcamp.com/album/majd-rkezem
Country: HUN
Released: September 2, 2022
Style: Electronic - Idm - Downtempo
All tracks created by Ambrus Szabó
Mastered by István Tanka

Usage: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International
Artist URL: https://soundcloud.com/rebbig
Label: Syrup Netlabel
Catalog#: syr014
Format: WAV + FLAC + 320~kbps/mp3
Download: https://syruphu.bandcamp.com/album/xemavarv
Country: HUN
Released: 6. Jan 2022.
Style: Electronic - Electro - Acid
All tracks created by Zoltán Mészáros
Mastered by István Tanka
01. Xyz
02. Elektroll
03. Midiarpmod
04. Age Of Volt
05. Vermotlek
06. Akockas
07. Rdmegint
06. Vmplspls

Usage: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International
Artist URL: https://www.facebook.com/soundofkodek
Label: Syrup Netlabel
Catalog#: syr013
Format: WAV + FLAC + 320~kbps/mp3
Download: https://syruphu.bandcamp.com/album/aofems
Country: HUN
Released: 11. June 2021.
Style: Electronic - Idm - Downtempo
All tracks created by Gergely Muhari
Mastered by István Tanka
01. Alkizqom
02. Old
03. Forbid Interlude
04. Elmorsxin
05. Mesal
06. Symqatekz

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the well renowned Hungarian 'Syrup Collective' their related label 'syrup.hu' delivers this 24 tracks compilation for you to enjoy. Enjoy! :)
Usage: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International
Label: Syrup Netlabel
Catalog#: syr012
Format: WAV + FLAC + 320~kbps/mp3
Download: https://syruphu.bandcamp.com/album/va-re-forms
Country: HUN
Country: HUN
Released: 15. Feb 2021.
Style: Electro, Ambient, IDM, Dub Techno, Downtempo
Mastered by István Tanka
Kodek - Sverghom
Niteffect - Once We Were Happy
Iketa - Más
David Harleydson - Ususfructus
MZ/Y - Lulek
Sematic4 - Optical Illusion
Norwell - Redshift
Kidwar - Big Jux
B166ER - Untitledttttt2163
Alpár - Lean Against The Wind
Tigrics - Pyra 606 Laydown
Braindevice - Evlate rv
Cola Keri Summer - Zuglói Rémálom
Sebaj Fóbiás - HumanoFobie
S Olbricht - Twin Tigers
Axm - Syt
Anima Sound System - Lord of The Desert
Garpo - Unsung
Organit - Tsentsak
horhos - cormac
Sublogic - FM Dust
J. Mono - Seashoreii
SoftMotel - Ki Sem Bontotta
Forezla Pitok - Twilit Room

All in
Publication date: 2015-03-30
Usage: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International
Artist URL: https://soundcloud.com/sublogicofficial
Label: Syrup Netlabel
Catalog#: syr011
Format: WAV + FLAC + 320~kbps/mp3
Country: HUN
Released: 30. March 2015.
Style: Electronic - Ambient - Dubtechno
All tracks created by Róbert Varga-Sneider
Mastered by Krisz Deak
01. The Heath
02. Polar Down
03. Timed
04. Far North
05. When
06. OnE
07. TwO
08. ThReE
09. Illogic

Van egy nap, ma
Usage Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International
Artist Url: https://soundcloud.com/softmotel
Label: Syrup Netlabel
Catalog#: syr010
Format: WAV + 320~kbps / mp3
Country: HUN
Released: 24. February 2013.
Style: Electronica, Ambient, Idm
All tracks created by Balazs Mester
01. Mint egy fa
02. Azt felejtsed el
03. Részlet
04. Semmit nem válaszoltál
05. Ágon ültem
06. Foltok a teraszon
07. Mindent bent
08. Október
09. Derékszögben
10. Két kéz
11. Anfang
12. Vele
13. Szerepcsere
14. Becsuktam, kint van
15. Két, egymással szemben álló
16. Van egy nap, ma

The Year of the
Usage Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International
Artist URL: http://soundcloud.com/mallendael
Label: Syrup Netlabel
Catalog#: syr009
Format: WAV + 320~kbps/mp3
Country: HUN
Released: 13. July 2011.
Style: Electronic, Ambient, Dubtechno
All tracks created by Hunor Tollas
Mastering by HDJTom & Hunor Tollas
Cover: Ákos Mesterházy
01. ip_rial
02. j"ive
03. mors
04. kyo
05. head
06. 638
07. braq
08. hinn
09. sun

Délután kettő
Artist Url: https://soundcloud.com/softmotel
Label: Syrup Netlabel
Catalog#: syr008
Format: WAV + 320~kbps/mp3
Country: HUN
Released: 18. June 2010.
Style: Idm, Ambient, Electronica
Notes: all tracks created by Balázs Mester
Cover: Anna Mészáros
01. Fél egy
02. Levelek lent
03. Puha és könnyű
04. Tegnapi szirom
05. Tenyerek
06. Délután kettő
07. Mindennap, ez a nap
08. Repedések felett
09. Dunántúl
10. Szemem
11. Zápor, zivatar
12. Kommersz

Sleeping Factory
Usage Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International
Label: Syrup Netlabel
Catalog#: syr007
Format: WAV + 320~kbps/mp3
Country: HUN
Released: 30. July 2009.
Style: Drone, Ambient, Industrial
Notes: all tracks created by Csaba Végh
Cover photo: Elektrocell
01. Intro
02. Szépírda
03. Diving
04. Szélváros
05. Collage 1
06. Sleeping factory
07. Embergép
08. Collage 2

Tudod, Hol Van...
Usage Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International
Artist Url: https://soundcloud.com/softmotel
Label: Syrup Netlabel
Catalog#: syr006
Format: WAV + 320~kbps/mp3
Country: HUN
Released: 04. February 2008.
Style: Idm, Ambient, Electronica
Notes: all tracks created by Balázs Mester, András Mester
Cover: Ákos Mesterházy
01 2br02b
02 Akkor Termett, Nekem
03 Az, Ami Megnemvan
04 Csapadék
05 Péntek
06 Elment Messze
07 Kilgore Trout
08 Néma Fül
09 Ágens és én
10 Tudod, Hol Van...
11 Sohase Jó, Sohase Rossz

Retax Gorgon:
Analogue Monologue
Usage Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International
Artist Url: https://tamas-olejnik.bandcamp.com/
Label: Syrup Netlabel
Catalog#: syr005
Format: WAV + 320~kbps/mp3
Country: HUN
Released: 31. October 2007.
Style: Idm, Electronic, Electro, Melody
Notes: all tracks created by Tamás Olejnik
Cover: Ákos Mesterházy
01 Second-hand Balance
02 Flying Angle
03 Mental Menthol
04 Royal Giggle
05 Nutritious Breeze

Usage Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International
Artist Url: https://soundcloud.com/sublogicofficial
Label: Syrup Netlabel
Catalog#: syr004
Format: WAW + 320~kbps/mp3 (limited 50 promoCD)
Country: HUN
Released: 15. February 2007.
Style: Ambient, Electronica, Drone, Dub, Electronica
Notes: all tracks created by Róbert Varga & Tibor Kmetty
Cover photo: Ákos Mesterházy
01 20 Km
02 Fragile Thoughts
03 Raindrop 01
04 Raindrop 02
05 Timed Time
06 Part Of Me
07 Space Express
08 Park
09 Underwater
10 Timewave

Disposable Wooden
Usage Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International
Label: Syrup Netlabel
Catalog#: syr003
Format: 320~kbps / mp3
Country: HUN
Released: 14. June 2006.
Style: Electronic, IDM, Experimental, Glitch
Notes: all tracks created by Hunor Tollas
(track07 feat. Tamás Szőke)
Mastered: HDJ TOM (www.hdjtom.hu)
01 m˘j˘sha
02 37ä
03 łđ
04 míkĐl
05 ¸6˛
06 lu˝˝zÄ
07 cße dr°i°ft (ft. HDJTom)

An Hour
Usage Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International
Label: Syrup Netlabel
Catalog#: syr002
Format: 256~kbps / mp3
Country: HUN
Released: 15 May 2006.
Style: Electronica, IDM, Ambient
Notes: all tracks created by Attila Kenyeres
01 transfer
02 terminal
03 bottom line
04 lobby
05 l
06 polaroid
07 mimit
08 left
09 sleep well/hyde

Usage Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International
Artist URL: https://soundcloud.com/sublogicofficial
Label: Syrup Netlabel
Catalog#: syr001
Format: 256~kbps / mp3
Country: HUN
Released: 01. Dec. 2005.
Style: Electronic, Ambient
Notes: all tracks created by Róbert Varga & Tibor Kmetty
01 Ground Zero
02 Process
03 Silent Movie
04 Interceptor
05 L
06 Fly pt. 1
07 Definition Of Pop